Every year there are events I plan to go to, but "Life is what happens when you're making other plans" so there may be additions or deletions to my current schedule.
May 7-8
Fort at Number 4 - Outlanders and Highlanders - 1745
A core group of the 27th Inniskilling attended this event. The weather was cool, but the battle Saturday was very fun. The tourists got up close and personal visits with the Jacobites and the Government troops alike. Fort #4 opened with this weekend.
June 4-5
Fort at Number 4 - Charlestown, NH
27th Inniskilling - French and Indian War
We had a large showing of Inniskilling and enjoyable weather this weekend. Sutlers to check out, the Fort to review, and reconnecting with friends not seen over the winter. A fine Chicken Fricassee was had Saturday night along with a lot of mingling between the troops.
June 18-19
Event at Fort McClary, Kittery Maine
Attending with Speakman's Rangers.
A small beautiful site with the British holding the Fort and the French camped down below. It was the first time here and we had cool ocean breezes with plenty of sunshine. Friday night we went out to sample the local cuisine. Saturday was filled with visitors and and an exciting traveling battle. Brother Harold led a fine Sunday service for us to enjoy this weekend as well.
July 16 - 17
Fort de la Presentation, Ogdensburg, NY.
27th Inniskilling, Crew of the Dark and Stormy - French and Indian War
Although storms threatened us at first, the weekend turned into a delightful time. Friday included our annual visit to the Freight House to sampling a local pub. A good time in the navy battle followed by a very busy land battle on Saturday. The evening ended with a late-night trip aboard the Dark and Stormy up river for a few hours. Altogether a good weekend.
August 6-7
Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, Vergennes, VT
Revolutionary War
The Dark and Stormy became a major player during the battle against landing troops this weekend, with Devin actually being "shot to death" and falling outside the boat mid-battle on Sunday. Many laughs were had at this small annual event over the weekend.
August 13-14
His Majesty's Fort at Crown Point, NY
27th Inniskilling,Crew of the Dark and Stormy - French and Indian War
The Inniskillings were well represented this weekend along with the crew of the Dark and Stormy. Both active in our battle against the French in the Fort St Frederick area of the site, we were a well fed crew Saturday night as the Rowells fed us a feast starring a suckling pig on a spit.
August 19 - 21
Fort St. Jean, Quebec, Canada
Multiple Time Periods, Crew of the Dark and Stormy, 27th Inniskilling
A gorgeous military site, perfect for camping with is manicured lawns, multiple time periods were hosted in various sections of the site. We participated in battles - land and sea - while also enjoying balloons overhead in the morning and fun in the sun on the afternoons. We visited the Museum on-site and even went out one night to celebrate Horst's birthday.
September 10-11
Kent DeLord House, Plattsburgh, New York
Crew of the Dark and Stormy - War of 1812
Plattsburgh turned into a very busy weekend - Our annuual trek downtown to the Monopole Friday, Saturday, the Dark and Stormy came in 4th in the bateau race. Sunday four of us participated in the 5K run, and we had a navy battle out in the deeper part of the bay. Plus several of us managed to get downtown to see some of the local activities happening for the weekend.
September 24-25
Rogers Island, Fort Edward, NY
27 Inniskilling - French and Indian War