My summer schedule isn't completely set yet - so this list may change. Some weekends we have multiple events available, however which event I will be at is undecided.
2014 Events
May 16/17
Timeline event, Quebec, Canada
Fort William Henry, Garrison the fort
June 7-8
The Fort at Number 4, Charlestown, NH
French and Indian War with the 27th Inniskilling
June 14-15
Bolton Landing, Lake George, NY
French and Indian War with the 27th Inniskilling
July 5-6
Hubbardton, VT
Revolutionary War with the 29th Light Infantry
July 19-20
Fort de la Presentation
Ogdensburg, NY
Navy with the boat Dark & Stormy
French and Indian War with the 27th Inniskilling
August 9-10
His Majesty's Fort at Crown Point
Crown Point, NY
French and Indian War with the 27th Inniskilling
September 13-14
War of 1812
Plattsburgh, NY
Navy with the bateau Dark and Stormy
September 20-21
Roger's Island
Fort Edward, NY
Navy with the bateau Dark and Stormy
Oct 11-12
F and I event at Fort William Henry, Lake George, NY
Revolutionary War event at Kingston, NY